• New TypeScript Features that Improve the Developer Experience

    New TypeScript Features that Improve the Developer Experience

    Nick Nisi | March 18, 2020

    In many ways TypeScript is more like a powerful linting and documentation tool to author better JavaScript, rather than a separate programming language. One significant benefit of TypeScript is its deliberate support for some of the latest ECMAScript language features.

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  • What Makes Intern Different

    What Makes Intern Different

    Jason Cheatham | March 10, 2020

    Intern has always taken a different path in the pursuit of flexible automated web app testing. In the early days, Intern leveraged AMD modules when most other testing frameworks were not modular or only supported CommonJS modules, allowing Intern to support modular code in any environment.

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  • Why did we start TSConf?

    Why did we start TSConf?

    Nick Nisi | March 6, 2020

    The ubiquity of JavaScript is undeniable; it’s the universal language of the web — a position that no other languages hold. JavaScript is flexible, able to adapt and grow as the web grows.

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  • HalfStack Conference – Phoenix, January 2020

    HalfStack Conference – Phoenix, January 2020

    Mangala SSS Khalsa | March 3, 2020

    HalfStack is a series of tech conferences focused on half of the web development stack – specifically, the part you interface with. It lives up to its claims of being “an authentic, high value experience for attendees and sponsors focused on UI-centric JavaScript and web development.

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  • Exploring the Network Information API

    Exploring the Network Information API

    Dylan Schiemann | November 18, 2019

    In 2007, we were invited to speak at the Apple WWDC event. At the time we didn’t know why we were invited. We later learned that because there was initially no native SDK, developers were advised to use JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to create iPhone apps, and were encouraged to attend our session.

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  • How to Pick a Web Mapping Library for your App

    How to Pick a Web Mapping Library for your App

    James Milner | November 7, 2019

    With the boom of location-based technologies like mobile location services and the Geolocation API in the browser, we have seen the growth of mapping and location inside of applications. Alongside this we have seen numerous mapping libraries appear for the web, allowing developers to build map based experiences into their apps.

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  • JSConf US 2019: Pushing JavaScript Beyond the Browser

    JSConf US 2019: Pushing JavaScript Beyond the Browser

    Anthony Ciccarello | September 30, 2019

    As a first-time JSConf attendee, I happily embraced the welcoming culture and fun atmosphere – surfing, anyone? But I was even more impacted by the presentations centered around JavaScript expanding beyond the browser, using JavaScript to help others, and the focus on community.

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  • Next Generation Virtual Scrolling

    Next Generation Virtual Scrolling

    Dylan Schiemann | September 25, 2019

    Rendering large data sets in the browser while optimizing for performance and accessibility is a complex problem. The current approach to handling long lists of data is using an infinite scroll pattern to incrementally load and render data just before the data enters the view.

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  • Getting Started with Electron, Typescript, React and Webpack

    Getting Started with Electron, Typescript, React and Webpack

    Justin Ellison | September 17, 2019

    If you need to build a desktop application today, Electron is an increasingly common choice. It is cross-platform and is built using the same web technologies that you probably already know. We’re long-time users of Electron at SitePen, and have previously talked about Setting up Electron with Dojo.

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  • Using Progressive Enhancement to Design for Accessibility

    Using Progressive Enhancement to Design for Accessibility

    Scott Jensen | August 5, 2019

    The web is for everyone. That includes web apps built on web architecture. If you haven’t heard the word “accessibility” mentioned in the last couple of years, you may have been living under a rock. Building accessible, inclusive web apps that support users with disabilities is becoming standard protocol.

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  • Using WebAssembly with Web Workers

    Using WebAssembly with Web Workers

    James Milner | July 22, 2019

    When building web apps, writing processing intensive code can be a challenge. One issue is getting predictable running times across browsers and JavaScript engines that optimise different code paths differently, as well as producing code that doesn’t interfere with user experience.

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  • Deploying a Dojo App with Docker

    Deploying a Dojo App with Docker

    Rory Mulligan | July 16, 2019

    So you’ve built an amazing app using Dojo and now you are ready to go live. After a bit of research, you learn that traditional deployments are challenging! Luckily, the days of FTPing files are long gone, and we can rely on Docker for fast, reliable deployments.

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  • Augmented Reality on the Web in 2019

    Augmented Reality on the Web in 2019

    James Milner | May 21, 2019

    Augmented Reality (AR) brings digital information or media and interweaves it with our experience of the real-world. In recent years Augmented Reality has become apparent in the consumer space in two major formats: head mounted displays such as the Microsoft HoloLens and the Magic Leap along with more widely available experiences on mobile devices.

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  • Getting Started with AssemblyScript

    Getting Started with AssemblyScript

    James Milner | April 23, 2019

    In a previous post we looked at how to compile the popular programming language Go to WebAssembly. WebAssembly is a new programming language which provides a compact binary format for the web. In this post we’ll explore another WebAssembly target language called AssemblyScript.

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  • Secrets to a Successful Designer Developer Handoff

    Secrets to a Successful Designer Developer Handoff

    Scott Jensen | April 9, 2019

    Let’s be honest, getting designs from your UX team into the hands of your engineering team in a way that makes sense is rarely easy. Add tight deadlines, team changes, and miscommunication to this process and your application will likely end up looking very different than what you expected.

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  • 2019 Esri Developer Summit Recap

    2019 Esri Developer Summit Recap

    Dylan Schiemann | March 21, 2019

    Esri provides the excellent ArcGIS for JavaScript API for building geospatial applications. Their approach has grown substantially over the years, from basic two-dimensional maps comparable to early Google Maps implementations to now cover nearly everything I can imagine wanting to do in a 2-D or 3-D map.

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  • Materialize Your Components

    Materialize Your Components

    Tom Dye | March 12, 2019

    Introduction Material design is everywhere today; even now if you’re reading this post in a Chrome browser, you may have noticed that the icons, fonts, colors and paddings have all recently been changed to align with Material.

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  • Reducing First Input Delay for a Better User Experience

    Reducing First Input Delay for a Better User Experience

    James Milner | February 28, 2019

    One common complaint around web applications is that they can feel slow or clunky compared with native applications. Sometimes we find sites that can take a long time to load (let’s say longer than 3 seconds) and sometimes those sites feel non-interactive or ‘janky’ when we try to interact with them.

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