• State of Modules in JavaScript

    State of Modules in JavaScript

    Umar Hansa | October 26, 2017

    Many modern web applications depend on JavaScript. When the complexity of your JavaScript increases, so does the maintenance cost. To improve the maintenance of complex JavaScript codebases, you most likely adhere to some clean code practices in your codebase.

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  • Improving Performance with the Paint Timing API

    Improving Performance with the Paint Timing API

    Umar Hansa | October 6, 2017

    Introduction Outline Accessing paint metrics from JavaScript Reporting paint timing metrics to a server Viewing paint metrics in the Chrome DevTools Browser Implementations Traditionally, front-end performance focused primarily on page load times as an important performance metric.

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  • Browser Automation with Puppeteer

    Browser Automation with Puppeteer

    Umar Hansa | October 4, 2017

    Automating browsers provide many benefits including faster execution of repetitive tasks, ability to parallelise workloads and improved test coverage for your website. Google recently announced Puppeteer, a new tool to assist with Chrome browser automation.

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  • Web Frameworks: Soundness

    Web Frameworks: Soundness

    Kit Kelly | October 3, 2017

    For a web framework to be effective, it should offer you more than just functionality. It doesn’t matter how much hard work you put into your application if it breaks when people use it. Beyond testing, let’s explore how frameworks can help us build better code before we test it.

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  • Efficient testing of Angular with Intern

    Efficient testing of Angular with Intern

    Dylan Schiemann | September 22, 2017

    Intern is an incredibly powerful and feature-rich approach to all types of JavaScript and TypeScript testing. Intern 4 is a major update refactored in TypeScript and with much improved support for modern language features and support for ESM as well as bundlers like webpack.

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  • Blockchain Basics

    Blockchain Basics

    Paul Bouchon | September 21, 2017

    “Blockchain” is the newest term to enter the tech industry’s buzzword repertoire. Whether a company is processing sub-second banking transactions or transporting artisanal goat cheeses across state lines, it seems as though any company not investigating this technology, the same technology that powers infamous cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, will surely go the way of the dodo.

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  • Rethinking Inheritance

    Rethinking Inheritance

    Paul Bouchon | September 19, 2017

    Over the past year we’ve been heads-down working hard on Dojo 2 and its component architecture. The ability to change default component behavior is essential to a widget library, and several tactics exist for doing so.

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  • Using Web Components With Angular

    Using Web Components With Angular

    Bryan Forbes | September 14, 2017

    Angular is an application framework favored by many in the JavaScript community. Angular provides a library for building encapsulated components, dependency injection, a templating language with data binding, an application router built on observables, and a command line interface that lowers the barrier to entry.

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  • Polymer Summit 2017

    Polymer Summit 2017

    Anthony Gubler | September 13, 2017

    Recently I was fortunate to be able to attend the Google Polymer Summit in Copenhagen with a SitePen colleague. Having attended the PWA Summit last year in Amsterdam we were expecting a well organised and interesting conference, and we were not to be disappointed.

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  • Observing Intersection Observers

    Observing Intersection Observers

    Carrie Rice | September 5, 2017

    As developing for the web has matured and JavaScript engines have become faster, one area remains a significant bottleneck – rendering. It’s because of this that so many of the recent development efforts have been focused around rendering, with virtual DOM being one of the more popular examples.

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