Category: ajax

  • Microservices and SPAs

    Microservices and SPAs

    Michael Van Sickle | February 20, 2017

    The techniques involved in creating modern web applications are continually evolving. It can be difficult to separate out the ones that are truly improving how web applications are developed from those experiments that, while often interesting, are ultimately not worth investing in.

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  • Understanding Deferreds and Promises in Dojo

    Understanding Deferreds and Promises in Dojo

    Dean Landolt | March 6, 2015

    It’s been a while since we’ve dove into Dojo’s Deferred module on the SitePen blog—the last time was back in 2010 when we introduced the promise-inspired improvements that landed with Dojo 1.5. Quite a lot has happened since on the topic, including a ground-up rewrite of Dojo’s asynchronous foundations in 1.

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  • Mocking data with Intern

    Mocking data with Intern

    Colin Snover | July 14, 2014

    When writing tests for an application, it’s prudent to add mock or stub data in order to allow code to be properly tested in isolation from other parts of the system. Within a normal Dojo application, there are typically three places where mocking will occur: I/O requests, stores, and module dependencies.

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  • FAQ: How can I create a JSONP service-based store?

    FAQ: How can I create a JSONP service-based store?

    Mangala SSS Khalsa | July 9, 2014

    Dojo’s store API is a common interface for providing data to user interface widgets, such as dgrid, Dijit Select, and Dojo Charting. The beauty of having a consistent API is that once you’ve defined an interface for a data source, that data becomes easily available to all widgets that support the store API.

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  • Introducing dojo/request

    Introducing dojo/request

    Bryan Forbes | August 21, 2012

    As Dojo moves toward its 2.0 release, our focus has been on giving developers tools that will help them be productive in any JavaScript environment. This means creating consistent APIs across all environments. One area that has been sorely lacking, in this regard, is Dojo’s IO functions.

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  • Efficient Lazy Loading of a Tree

    Efficient Lazy Loading of a Tree

    Kris Zyp | January 27, 2010

    Dojo 1.4 sports a fantastic tree widget, complete with ARIA compliance, keyboard accessibility, and internationalization (including right-to-left layout for appropriate countries and languages). For large tree data sets, we want to be able to only load the necessary data for the visible nodes of the tree.

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  • Bespin Goes Social

    Bespin Goes Social

    Dylan Schiemann | August 24, 2009

    The Dojo-based Bespin project has added collaboration and social features so developers can more easily share code in real-time! Finally, a truly productive use of social networking for developers! By combining the benefits of SubEthaEdit and many of the social features you find on networking sites, the project is headed in a very useful direction

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  • Queued: Theming

    Queued: Theming

    Chris Anderson | April 3, 2009

    As part of our series on how we built Queued, today we’re going to talk about theming the Queued application, and touch on a few examples of what made putting the skin on Queued so much fun.

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  • Queued: Architectural Decisions

    Queued: Architectural Decisions

    Revin Guillen | March 30, 2009

    Dojo is a very flexible toolkit; it doesn’t dictate how you organize your code or create your widgets. It simply provides tools, and it’s up to you to decide how you want to fit them together.

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  • Queued Overviewed

    Queued Overviewed

    Dylan Schiemann | March 24, 2009

    Last month, we announced Queued, an open-source application for managing your Netflix Queue. Queued is a desktop application created with web technologies and techniques including the Dojo Toolkit, and it is distributed as an Adobe AIR application to provide several performance boosting benefits from living on the desktop.

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  • Storing Binary Data in Persevere

    Storing Binary Data in Persevere

    Kris Zyp | March 2, 2009

    Persevere stores structured data in the same way data is represented in JavaScript and JSON. Various different data types can be persisted including numbers, strings, booleans, objects, arrays, dates, functions, and even binary data. Most of these data types are familiar to JavaScript developers; however, binary data is usually not seen in JavaScript.

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  • Styling Dijit Form Elements

    Styling Dijit Form Elements

    Mike Wilcox | February 25, 2009

    Dijit has a tremendous wealth of high quality and feature-rich form elements providing key functionality including validation, time calculation, spinner controls, calendars, and much more. Furthermore, Dijit gives you a set of themes to choose from: Tundra, Soria, Noir, and Nihilo.

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  • A Tale of Two Panels

    A Tale of Two Panels

    Dylan Schiemann | February 25, 2009

    Silicon Valley Web Builder has a series of monthly panels on topics of interest to web application developers. I had the opportunity to attend a pair of events recently, once as a speaker, once as an attendee, and the contrast between the two was intriguing.

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  • Platform Optimization Strategies for Ajax Toolkits

    Platform Optimization Strategies for Ajax Toolkits

    Dylan Schiemann | January 22, 2009

    With the proliferation of real web browsers on mobile devices (iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, Nokia), an increasing number of browsers (Chrome) or browser-like platforms (AIR, Titanium, Jaxer), portal standards for widgets and gadgets (Caja, AdSafe, work by the OpenAjax Alliance, and much more), are the days numbered for a JavaScript toolkit that uses the same

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  • DojoX FileUploader Upgrade to Support Flash 10

    DojoX FileUploader Upgrade to Support Flash 10

    Mike Wilcox | December 1, 2008

    I’ve just completed the upgrade of the DojoX FileUploader to make it compatible with Flash Player 10. The FileUploader widget allows for the uploading of more than one file at a time, which is surprisingly still not supported natively by any web browser on the market today.

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  • Announcing Dojo Extensions for Adobe AIR

    Announcing Dojo Extensions for Adobe AIR

    Dylan Schiemann | November 12, 2008

    I’m excited to announce a new BSD-licensed project created by SitePen and co-sponsored by Adobe: Dojo Extensions for Adobe AIR. This new effort creates a new namespace, dair, making it even easier to create rich desktop apps, such as the Dojo Toolbox, using the Dojo Toolkit and Adobe AIR.

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  • Security in Ajax

    Security in Ajax

    Kris Zyp | September 25, 2008

    Security in Ajax web applications is of growing importance. While the client-server model is very useful for architecting web applications, the web security is model is not client-server, but rather a client-deputy-server model.

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  • The State of File Uploaders

    The State of File Uploaders

    Mike Wilcox | September 11, 2008

    Recently, using the Deft project, I created a multi-file uploader Flash component for DojoX. It uses a typical design pattern—embed a hidden SWF in the web page, and with the ExternalInterface, trigger the FileReference’s browse() method to open a system dialog.

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  • Protected Cross-Domain Authentication with JavaScript

    Protected Cross-Domain Authentication with JavaScript

    Neil Roberts | July 30, 2008

    Google and Yahoo have JavaScript APIs that let you perform searches. Wikipedia has a JavaScript API that lets you grab data from its pages. These APIs can be accessed cross-domain with a transport method known as JSONP.

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  • Transport Transport

    Kris Zyp | July 22, 2008

    The transport is a new technique for secure cross-domain browser based data transfer, and can be utilized for creating secure mashups with untrusted sources. is implemented in Dojo in the new module, and it is very easy to make web services available through the protocol. window.

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  • Client/Server Model on the Web

    Client/Server Model on the Web

    Kris Zyp | July 18, 2008

    Prior to the popularity of the web, client/server applications often involved the creation of native applications which were deployed to clients. In this model, developers had a great deal of freedom in determining which parts of the entire client/server application would be in the client and which in the server.

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  • Dojo Toolbox First Look

    Dojo Toolbox First Look

    Kevin Dangoor | July 8, 2008

    In the middle of May, we were given a mission: create a speedy, offline API documentation viewer and a graphical Dojo build tool. Here we are at the beginning of July, and the result is the Dojo Toolbox 1.0. This article is a first look at this new application.

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  • A Quick JavaScript Load Profiler

    A Quick JavaScript Load Profiler

    Mike Wilcox | July 1, 2008

    I was doing some research on script loading speed tests. Each script load required the page to be refreshed, making it difficult to log the time to Firebug and get an average.

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  • JSON Referencing in Dojo

    JSON Referencing in Dojo

    Kris Zyp | June 17, 2008

    Non-trivial data often has structures that cannot be well-defined with normal linear, acyclic data descriptions. Data that consists of cycles, many-to-one relationships, and non-local references often requires custom strategies for serialization and transfer of the data over JSON. Dojo 1.2 has added support for JSON referencing with the dojox.json.ref module.

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  • RESTful JSON + Dojo Data

    RESTful JSON + Dojo Data

    Kris Zyp | June 13, 2008

    NOTE: This post is very out of date. For more up to date information about RESTful JSON in Dojo applications there are a number of more recent tutorials are available, such as the Dojo Store introduction, as well as tutorials demonstrating store-driven grids and trees, among others.

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  • Everyone can “Ask the Experts”

    Everyone can “Ask the Experts”

    Kevin Dangoor | May 11, 2008

    In March, we introduced the SitePen Support service to provide high-quality support for Dojo, DWR and Cometd from the people who know those projects inside and out.

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  • String Performance: an Analysis

    String Performance: an Analysis

    Tom Trenka | May 9, 2008

    Recently I was writing a “tips and tricks” blog post that was going to focus on the idea that it is better to use an object as a “string buffer”; the idea was that by passing this object around to various functions and pushing string fragments into it, you can get better performance from a

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  • Porting Dojo Methods to Flash – Part 3 of 3

    Porting Dojo Methods to Flash – Part 3 of 3

    Mike Wilcox | May 8, 2008

    This is the final part of our three part series on porting Dojo methods to Flash. In part one of our series, we implemented Dojo’s hitch method, and then used hitch in part two, where we made our connect method.

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  • Porting Dojo Methods to Flash – Part 2 of 3

    Porting Dojo Methods to Flash – Part 2 of 3

    Mike Wilcox | May 2, 2008

    Adobe recently announced their new Open Screen project, which opens the licensing of the Flash Player and much more. We’re celebrating this event with a three part series on Dojo and ActionScript and previewing some of the work by the Dojo team.

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  • Porting Dojo Methods to Flash – Part 1 of 3

    Porting Dojo Methods to Flash – Part 1 of 3

    Mike Wilcox | May 1, 2008

    There’s been some breaking news from Adobe, announcing their Open Screen project. As of today, they are opening the licensing of the Flash Player, FLV/F4V video, publishing the AMF protocol and device APIs for the player, and more. This is great news for businesses, developers, and the Open Web in general.

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  • The Best Things in Life are Free

    The Best Things in Life are Free

    Dylan Schiemann | April 24, 2008

    At SitePen, we’re dedicated to creating excellent user experiences and writing clean, beautiful code. Because of this, we’ve earned a reputation as being advocates, advisers and teachers to our friends, colleagues, and clients.

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  • Dojo 1.1 in the News

    Dojo 1.1 in the News

    Dylan Schiemann | April 4, 2008

    Since Dojo 1.1 was released a week ago, several outlets have published articles: Dojo 1.1 Refines Ajax Development – Features SitePen’s Peter Higgins and Alex Russell with their thoughts on Dojo 1.1, and a comprehensive summary of what’s new with the 1.

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  • Now Available: Commercial Support for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd

    Now Available: Commercial Support for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd

    Dylan Schiemann | March 14, 2008

    We’re very excited about our new commercial support offering for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd. So what is SitePen Support and what do we have to offer? Advice When getting started with something different or new, there’s rarely documentation or a tutorial that addresses things in quite the right way.

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  • DWR 3.0 Update

    DWR 3.0 Update

    Dylan Schiemann | March 6, 2008

    Joe was recently interviewed by InfoQ about DWR 3.0 as a preview of his presentation on Comet and DWR at QCon. Key points about DWR 3.0 include: Offline Support (Google Gears and/or Dojo Offline) TIBCO General Interface integration Aptana Jaxer integration OpenAjax Hub, PubSub, Bayeux, etc.

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  • Dynamic Languages and Your Mom, 2.0

    Dynamic Languages and Your Mom, 2.0

    Dylan Schiemann | March 3, 2008

    SitePen was in the news recently: Simplexity Rising: Web usability reveals itself to be a game of hide-and-seek covers our session, “Your Mom, 2.0”, for the upcoming SXSW 2008, and offers some choice quotes about building web apps that are feature rich yet easy to use.

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  • Jaxer, Dojo, DWR, and SitePen

    Jaxer, Dojo, DWR, and SitePen

    Dylan Schiemann | February 29, 2008

    From a recent interview with Kevin Hakman on Ajaxian: “I personally love the ability to write a script that runs on the server, but call it from the client as if it were running on the client.

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  • Eugene Lazutkin, Peter Higgins & Kris Zyp Join SitePen

    Eugene Lazutkin, Peter Higgins & Kris Zyp Join SitePen

    Dylan Schiemann | January 2, 2008

    As we kick off 2008, I’m pleased and extremely excited to announce that we’ve added some awesome, new talent to the SitePen team. Eugene Lazutkin is highly respected in Dojo circles for his work on Drag-n-drop, GFX (2D and 3D), Charting, and many other crucial 0.9 and 1.0 features.

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  • Standards and Recommendations

    Standards and Recommendations

    Dylan Schiemann | December 19, 2007

    In response to recent articles by Andy Clarke and David Baron, Alex recently said that the W3C cannot save us. The most significant point being made is that you cannot standardize the future, and you should not punish those who attempt to push the envelope through experimentation and invention.

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  • London Calling

    London Calling

    Dylan Schiemann | December 11, 2007

    It takes a lot to get us revved up enough to do a press release and this is one of those rare occasions! We’re thrilled to formally announce: The creation of SitePen Limited, our newly-formed, UK subsidiary And on top of that, Joe Walker, creator of DWR, has joined SitePen, Ltd.

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  • An Android without Gears?

    An Android without Gears?

    Jason Cline | November 12, 2007

    Google released the first preview of Android today. It is chock full of features and a great emulator, but there was one interesting omission.

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  • dojox.gfx on the iPhone

    dojox.gfx on the iPhone

    Dylan Schiemann | November 5, 2007

    Chris Mitchell of IBM had a few days of free time prior to the Dojo 1.0 release, and so he added Canvas support for dojox.gfx. While Canvas does not offer all of the DOM goodness of SVG, it does have one key features: it works today on the iPhone.

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  • Dojo Grid Update

    Dojo Grid Update

    Dylan Schiemann | October 13, 2007

    Recently, the first draft of the new Dojo Grid made its way into the DojoX trunk. There’s still a significant amount of work to complete prior to the Dojo 1.0 launch date of October 31, but if you update your subversion checkout to head, you can follow along at home.

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  • Dojo on the iPhone conference slides

    Dojo on the iPhone conference slides

    Dylan Schiemann | September 27, 2007

    I recently had the opportunity to speak about Dojo on the iPhone at AjaxWorld West. The session was a straightforward, if not colorful, review of the current state of app development for the iPhone.

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  • Conference Slides

    Conference Slides

    Dylan Schiemann | September 9, 2007

    Slides from our recent talks at the Ajax Experience and the Rich Web Experience are now available. Newly added talks include: Standards Heresy: Dojo and the Rise of Open Web Pragmatism Dojo 0.

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  • The iPhone Screenshot Quest

    The iPhone Screenshot Quest

    Dylan Schiemann | September 4, 2007

    I speak at a number of conferences and am giving a couple of talks later this year about Dojo on the iPhone. Of course, giving a talk without being able to show demos is frustrating, but giving a talk without having high-quality screenshots is silly.

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  • Dojo 0.9 released

    Dojo 0.9 released

    Dylan Schiemann | August 20, 2007

    Alex has announced the final release of Dojo 0.9: After a complete re-think about the purpose and value of Dojo, and after months of grueling ground-up work on the part of the entire Dojo team, I’m happy, proud, and excited to announce that Dojo 0.9.0 is available. And AOL is already hosting 0.

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  • Wiring a Dojo App

    Wiring a Dojo App

    Mike Wilcox | August 10, 2007

    Spaghetti code comes from all of your objects needing to know where all your other objects are so they can communicate. I used to attempt to alleviate this problem by creating a switchboard object that acted as a message bus.

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  • ajax experience recap

    ajax experience recap

    Dylan Schiemann | July 31, 2007

    Last week was the latest installment of the Ajax Experience in San Francisco. More low-key than last year’s conference, I left the main corridor only to give two talks, one on Dojo and one on Comet.

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  • Filling the iPhone Chat Gap

    Filling the iPhone Chat Gap

    Jason Cline | July 12, 2007

    Many people are perplexed by the absence of instant messaging on the iPhone. Apple has done great things for SMS with their ichat styled interface. Unfortunately they stopped short of providing a seamless IM experience. Hopefully Apple will add these features in a future software update.

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  • New Dojo Offline Release

    New Dojo Offline Release

    Brad Neuberg | July 6, 2007

    SitePen and Dojo are proud to announce a new beta release of Dojo Offline. This release has a huge amount of exciting new functionality, including a full port to Google Gears, a port from Dojo 0.4 to 0.9, and more.

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  • Thinking outside the (browser) box

    Thinking outside the (browser) box

    Dylan Schiemann | July 4, 2007

    Apple’s iPhone web application development tips are yet the latest example of blurring the lines between the power of the web and the desktop. The example that drives this point home the most is Google Maps: Google maps links open a built-in Google client rather than making a connection through the public website.

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  • SVG missing on the iPhone

    SVG missing on the iPhone

    Dylan Schiemann | July 3, 2007

    Safari on the iPhone does not currently have support for SVG. Safari 3 beta on Mac and Windows is currently the best browser on the planet for SVG performance, so this is a somewhat disappointing omission.

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  • Google Gears, Dojo Offline, and SitePen

    Google Gears, Dojo Offline, and SitePen

    Dylan Schiemann | May 30, 2007

    Shortly after we began working on Dojo Offline, our friends at Google invited us over to the Googleplex to tell us about their efforts in building an open source project similar to Dojo Offline called Google Gears.

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  • Upcoming events

    Upcoming events

    Dylan Schiemann | May 19, 2007

    We’re speaking at and/or attending a number of upcoming events and conferences. We hope to see you there! May 20-23: Alex will be attending the IEEE Privacy and Security Symposium in Oakland, CA. Prior to our Dojo days, Alex spent most of his time thinking about security.

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  • Dojo Offline, Behind the Scenes

    Dojo Offline, Behind the Scenes

    Dylan Schiemann | April 23, 2007

    At the beginning of 2007, we announced a collaboration with Brad Neuberg to develop the Dojo Offline Toolkit, and today we are pleased to announce the beta release! Several people have asked how and why we decided to do this, and how this relationship came about.

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  • Ajax “Dark Matter”

    Ajax “Dark Matter”

    Dylan Schiemann | April 19, 2007

    Until the release of GMail, much of the innovation in the world of Ajax (at that time known as DHTML and JavaScript) was occurring behind the scenes in corporate intranet applications.

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  • Thoughts on XML, Ajax, and UI Development

    Thoughts on XML, Ajax, and UI Development

    Dylan Schiemann | April 9, 2007

    InfoQ had an interesting article recently asking Is XML the Future of UI Development?. I believe that the author of the article is significantly underestimating the resourcefulness of JavaScript developers: The first up is AJAX, the poster child of the Web 2.0 craze.

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  • AjaxWorld and SXSW talks on dojo.gfx

    AjaxWorld and SXSW talks on dojo.gfx

    Dylan Schiemann | March 27, 2007

    At SXSW and AjaxWorld, I had the opportunity to talk about dojo.gfx and native web vector graphics in general. The amazing thing about these talks was the large number of attendees familiar with and interested in SVG, Canvas, and other native vector graphics formats.

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  • Screencast of Dojo Offline + Demo + Release Download

    Screencast of Dojo Offline + Demo + Release Download

    Brad Neuberg | February 26, 2007

    [Note: This blog post is out of date. For up to date information on Dojo Offline please see the official web page.] Hi folks; lots of news on the Dojo Offline front.First, we have put up a screencast that shows a demo of Dojo Offline named Moxie.

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  • Code Finished for Dojo Offline’s Default User Interface

    Code Finished for Dojo Offline’s Default User Interface

    Brad Neuberg | January 31, 2007

    [Note: This blog post is out of date. For up to date information on Dojo Offline please see the official web page.] We have posted up the default user-interface widget for Dojo Offline; this is all coded up now in JavaScript and is complete. This means all the default user-interface code, which lives in

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  • Dojo Charting + Lightstreamer Comet Demo

    Dojo Charting + Lightstreamer Comet Demo

    Dylan Schiemann | January 16, 2007

    We’re pleased to announce that we’ve integrated Dojo’s Charting and Filtering Table widgets with Lightstreamer’s Comet server. A demo is available, as is the example source code to try it out yourself.

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  • Offline Gmail and Blogger Using the Dojo Offline Toolkit

    Offline Gmail and Blogger Using the Dojo Offline Toolkit

    Brad Neuberg | January 9, 2007

    [Note: This blog post is out of date. For up to date information on Dojo Offline please see the official web page.] Introduction The best way to start development on a programming framework is to ground it in the kinds of user interfaces it will be used in.

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  • SitePen at the Ajax Experience

    SitePen at the Ajax Experience

    Dylan Schiemann | October 20, 2006

    The Ajax Experience is this Monday October 23 through Wednesday October 25 in Boston. If it is anything like the one in San Francisco in May, it is going to be a great show.We are giving four talks at the conference.

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  • Mobile Ajax: Hype, Reality, and SitePen

    Mobile Ajax: Hype, Reality, and SitePen

    Alex Russell | September 30, 2006

    “Mobile Ajax” is a code word for “snake oil” and the folks who claim it’s the future probably aren’t working with it. SitePen has been digging pretty deep under the covers of the carrier/content/developer mess, and here’s what we found.

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