Category: browsers

  • Augmented Reality on the Web in 2019

    Augmented Reality on the Web in 2019

    James Milner | May 21, 2019

    Augmented Reality (AR) brings digital information or media and interweaves it with our experience of the real-world. In recent years Augmented Reality has become apparent in the consumer space in two major formats: head mounted displays such as the Microsoft HoloLens and the Magic Leap along with more widely available experiences on mobile devices.

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  • Browser Automation with Puppeteer

    Browser Automation with Puppeteer

    Umar Hansa | October 4, 2017

    Automating browsers provide many benefits including faster execution of repetitive tasks, ability to parallelise workloads and improved test coverage for your website. Google recently announced Puppeteer, a new tool to assist with Chrome browser automation.

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  • Can Flash Thrive Going Forward?

    Can Flash Thrive Going Forward?

    Dylan Schiemann | March 10, 2010

    The short answer: Yes, if it changes its strategy to one that embraces and augments the open web ecosystem, rather than continuing down the path of trying to compete with or replace it.

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  • Gears is Dead?  Long live Gears!

    Gears is Dead? Long live Gears!

    Dylan Schiemann | December 8, 2009

    It was recently reported that Google Dumps Gears for HTML5. If true, with the investment Google has made in HTML5, Chrome, Chrome OS, and Chrome Frame, this is not surprising, but it does leave a potential short-term gap for offline application development.

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  • Why We Love Chrome Frame

    Why We Love Chrome Frame

    Dylan Schiemann | September 22, 2009

    Google today announced Chrome Frame, a plug-in that selectively upgrades Internet Explorer without breaking existing sites. Think of it as working like Flash, but for open web technologies, replacing Internet Explorer’s entire rendering engine for sites that include a single meta tag indicating that they would prefer to use Chrome Frame rather than IE.

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  • IEeighty6’ed: The Movement

    IEeighty6’ed: The Movement

    Dylan Schiemann | August 14, 2009

    Recently, there’s been an increasing emphasis and enterprise-organized uprising focused on eliminating IE6 from the world as quickly as possible. For the unaware, supporting this outdated browser is expensive and limits our creative abilities when it comes to web development.

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  • Styling Dijit Form Elements

    Styling Dijit Form Elements

    Mike Wilcox | February 25, 2009

    Dijit has a tremendous wealth of high quality and feature-rich form elements providing key functionality including validation, time calculation, spinner controls, calendars, and much more. Furthermore, Dijit gives you a set of themes to choose from: Tundra, Soria, Noir, and Nihilo.

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  • Platform Optimization Strategies for Ajax Toolkits

    Platform Optimization Strategies for Ajax Toolkits

    Dylan Schiemann | January 22, 2009

    With the proliferation of real web browsers on mobile devices (iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, Nokia), an increasing number of browsers (Chrome) or browser-like platforms (AIR, Titanium, Jaxer), portal standards for widgets and gadgets (Caja, AdSafe, work by the OpenAjax Alliance, and much more), are the days numbered for a JavaScript toolkit that uses the same

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  • The State of File Uploaders

    The State of File Uploaders

    Mike Wilcox | September 11, 2008

    Recently, using the Deft project, I created a multi-file uploader Flash component for DojoX. It uses a typical design pattern—embed a hidden SWF in the web page, and with the ExternalInterface, trigger the FileReference’s browse() method to open a system dialog.

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  • String Performance: an Analysis

    String Performance: an Analysis

    Tom Trenka | May 9, 2008

    Recently I was writing a “tips and tricks” blog post that was going to focus on the idea that it is better to use an object as a “string buffer”; the idea was that by passing this object around to various functions and pushing string fragments into it, you can get better performance from a

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  • Flash, Silverlight and the Open Web

    Flash, Silverlight and the Open Web

    Kevin Dangoor | April 3, 2008

    Brad Neuberg, of the Gears team, took a stab at defining the “Open Web”. We at SitePen are very strongly in favor of the Open Web concept, because it’s the Open Web that has gotten us what we have today and will ultimately lead us to the best “web of the future”.

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  • SVG + CSS Animations = Fisheye Fun

    SVG + CSS Animations = Fisheye Fun

    Torrey Rice | March 28, 2008

    Recently Apple delivered Safari 3.1 with some very exciting features. While we still can’t use things like multiple background images and drop shadows across all browsers, we are getting to play with the future and I, for one, am loving it. One of the most interesting things in Safari 3.

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  • Why Apple is Investing in WebKit Performance

    Why Apple is Investing in WebKit Performance

    Kevin Dangoor | March 24, 2008

    Today, I was eating lunch alone at a restaurant and reading some news via my iPhone’s EDGE connection. Suddenly, Surfin’ Safari – Blog Archive » Optimizing Page Loading in the Web Browser made even more sense. Apple has been putting actual dollars into making Safari and the underlying open source WebKit really, really fast.

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  • Some Tools You Might Have Missed

    Some Tools You Might Have Missed

    Torrey Rice | March 6, 2008

    Over the past few years designing and developing I’ve come to rely on a number of tools. Most of these are obvious like Photoshop and Firebug, however I’ve come to realize that a few tools I use aren’t as well known.

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  • Standards and Recommendations

    Standards and Recommendations

    Dylan Schiemann | December 19, 2007

    In response to recent articles by Andy Clarke and David Baron, Alex recently said that the W3C cannot save us. The most significant point being made is that you cannot standardize the future, and you should not punish those who attempt to push the envelope through experimentation and invention.

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  • An Android without Gears?

    An Android without Gears?

    Jason Cline | November 12, 2007

    Google released the first preview of Android today. It is chock full of features and a great emulator, but there was one interesting omission.

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