Category: Cometd

  • Dojo WebSocket with AMD

    Dojo WebSocket with AMD

    Kris Zyp | November 5, 2012

    Dojo has an API for Comet-style real-time communication based on the WebSocket API. WebSocket provides a bi-directional connection to servers that is ideal for pushing messages from a server to a client in real-time.

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  • A Tale of Two Panels

    A Tale of Two Panels

    Dylan Schiemann | February 25, 2009

    Silicon Valley Web Builder has a series of monthly panels on topics of interest to web application developers. I had the opportunity to attend a pair of events recently, once as a speaker, once as an attendee, and the contrast between the two was intriguing.

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  • Client/Server Model on the Web

    Client/Server Model on the Web

    Kris Zyp | July 18, 2008

    Prior to the popularity of the web, client/server applications often involved the creation of native applications which were deployed to clients. In this model, developers had a great deal of freedom in determining which parts of the entire client/server application would be in the client and which in the server.

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  • Everyone can “Ask the Experts”

    Everyone can “Ask the Experts”

    Kevin Dangoor | May 11, 2008

    In March, we introduced the SitePen Support service to provide high-quality support for Dojo, DWR and Cometd from the people who know those projects inside and out.

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  • Which Comet Implementation?

    Which Comet Implementation?

    Dylan Schiemann | March 27, 2008

    As people are becoming more interested in Comet, “which Comet implementation should I use?” is becoming a common question. At Comet Daily, we recently had a post comparing the maturity of various Comet implementations.

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  • Now Available: Commercial Support for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd

    Now Available: Commercial Support for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd

    Dylan Schiemann | March 14, 2008

    We’re very excited about our new commercial support offering for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd. So what is SitePen Support and what do we have to offer? Advice When getting started with something different or new, there’s rarely documentation or a tutorial that addresses things in quite the right way.

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  • Eugene Lazutkin, Peter Higgins & Kris Zyp Join SitePen

    Eugene Lazutkin, Peter Higgins & Kris Zyp Join SitePen

    Dylan Schiemann | January 2, 2008

    As we kick off 2008, I’m pleased and extremely excited to announce that we’ve added some awesome, new talent to the SitePen team. Eugene Lazutkin is highly respected in Dojo circles for his work on Drag-n-drop, GFX (2D and 3D), Charting, and many other crucial 0.9 and 1.0 features.

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  • Dojo on the iPhone conference slides

    Dojo on the iPhone conference slides

    Dylan Schiemann | September 27, 2007

    I recently had the opportunity to speak about Dojo on the iPhone at AjaxWorld West. The session was a straightforward, if not colorful, review of the current state of app development for the iPhone.

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  • Conference Slides

    Conference Slides

    Dylan Schiemann | September 9, 2007

    Slides from our recent talks at the Ajax Experience and the Rich Web Experience are now available. Newly added talks include: Standards Heresy: Dojo and the Rise of Open Web Pragmatism Dojo 0.

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  • The iPhone Screenshot Quest

    The iPhone Screenshot Quest

    Dylan Schiemann | September 4, 2007

    I speak at a number of conferences and am giving a couple of talks later this year about Dojo on the iPhone. Of course, giving a talk without being able to show demos is frustrating, but giving a talk without having high-quality screenshots is silly.

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  • Filling the iPhone Chat Gap

    Filling the iPhone Chat Gap

    Jason Cline | July 12, 2007

    Many people are perplexed by the absence of instant messaging on the iPhone. Apple has done great things for SMS with their ichat styled interface. Unfortunately they stopped short of providing a seamless IM experience. Hopefully Apple will add these features in a future software update.

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