SafetyNet 2016 recap
Dylan Schiemann | October 7, 2016
SafetyNet is an annual conference hosted by Pulsiam and is focused on trends in software for the safety industry.
SafetyNet is an annual conference hosted by Pulsiam and is focused on trends in software for the safety industry.
We were recently asked about options for mixing Dojo widgets and Angular 2 components into the same application: Is it possible to render an Angular 2 component and Dojo widgets on the same page? Are there any special configuration settings needed? What’s the best way for Angular 2 and Dojo to communicate and/or send messages?
It’s been over a year since the release of dgrid 0.4, which brought about some major changes, including integration with the new dstore API. Since then, we (and others) have used it in numerous applications, and we’ve continued to refine it. Now, at long last, we’re proud to announce dgrid 1.
For the dgrid 0.4 release we added a new demo and helper utility, the dgrid Laboratory. This is more than just a demo, as it allows you to quickly explore and build different dgrid configurations, returning boilerplate code for efficiently including dgrid within your application.
Throughout the course of June, the dgrid StackOverflow tag saw a series of questions regarding usage of dgrid and dstore with the Django REST Framework. Based on the flurry of closely-related questions that popped up, I became quite curious as to the actual level of difficulty involved with this integration.
We have released dstore version 1.1, which features a new set of stores for local DB storage. This feature provides the ability to store data locally in browsers, and use high-performance querying capabilities through the disparate technologies of IndexedDB and WebSQL (and localStorage), through the consistent dstore interface.
Dijit and dgrid provide a powerful set of user interface components, allowing for fast construction of sophisticated web applications with excellent performance and interactivity. However, one particular configuration of dgrid that can impact memory and performance: heavy use of persistent Dijit editors within grid cells.
While a more recent advancement allows us use the HTML5 file API to retrieve contents from files, this approach is not universally supported in web browsers as yet.
Dojo’s store API is a common interface for providing data to user interface widgets, such as dgrid, Dijit Select, and Dojo Charting. The beauty of having a consistent API is that once you’ve defined an interface for a data source, that data becomes easily available to all widgets that support the store API.
dgrid’s Selection mixin dgrid is SitePen’s lightweight, modular, and easily extensible modern grid component, designed for use with AMD and Dojo. The Selection and CellSelection mixins enable selection of rows or cells, both from mouse or keyboard actions and programmatically.
In our recent post on dgrid and Dojo Nano, we showed a technique of using nested require statements in order to make use of optimized layers using the Dojo build system. As a refresher, a layer is Dojo’s terminology for a file that combines many JavaScript resources into a single file.
Juan Carlos Galindo Navarro of Venezuela-based RIATeam shares his early dgrid experience with SitePen. Here’s what he had to say. SitePen: How did you learn about dgrid? RIATeam: As a lover of the progress that Dojo Toolkit provides the community, I am always on the lookout for news and features shown in the SitePen Blog.
Want an easy way to keep up with SitePen efforts on Dojo, dgrid, AMD, JavaScript, and the open web? Then click the Keep In Touch button at the end of this blog and sign up now! To see what types of things you can expect, check out the July edition of the SitePen Insider! With
SitePen was contacted by FieldAware when CTO Andronikos Nedos was tasked with building a highly interactive, bespoke, work scheduler widget using Dojo.
Linus Ekström of Stockholm-based EPiServer shares his early dgrid experience with SitePen. Here’s what he had to say. SitePen: How did you learn about dgrid? EPiServer: The Dojo website and SitePen blogs. SitePen: Why did you choose dgrid? EPiServer: The existing DojoX DataGrid was too complex to set up and extend.
We have been providing JavaScript and Dojo support to freelancers, start-ups and Fortune 500 companies for nearly a decade.
As a SitePen customer, Øyvind Aaraas of KLP decided to try out dgrid on one of his company’s web applications. When asked about his early experience with dgrid, here’s what he had to say! SitePen: How did you learn about dgrid? KLP: We follow the SitePen blog and learned of it there.
You’ve likely read that the new dgrid can be as small as 32KB gzipped when including just its minimal dependencies. However, if you use the standard settings for the Dojo Web Builder or a standard Dojo build profile, you end up with a build that’s closer to 100KB gzipped.
The new dgrid is a powerful, but lightweight grid component. It is specifically built to be easily styled with CSS, rather than relying on programmatic properties and changes. The dgrid makes numerous element classes available to reference from CSS and avoids inline styles as much as possible to ensure ease of CSS customization.
Welcome to 2012 – The Year of Dojo! We are expecting an amazing year! Make SitePen your one stop shop for all of your web application needs; Dojo workshops, JavaScript support and web app development. Together, with SitePen, you will meet your 2012 goals! When you’re happy, so are we.
Notice: This post is now several years old and covers early versions of dgrid prior to 1.x. We recommend starting with the dgrid tutorials to leverage dgrid 1.x. We have recently reached the alpha milestone in the development of dgrid, a new component for creating lists and grids.