Category: Dojo Toolkit Offline

  • RESTful JSON + Dojo Data

    RESTful JSON + Dojo Data

    Kris Zyp | June 13, 2008

    NOTE: This post is very out of date. For more up to date information about RESTful JSON in Dojo applications there are a number of more recent tutorials are available, such as the Dojo Store introduction, as well as tutorials demonstrating store-driven grids and trees, among others.

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  • Dojo 1.1 in the News

    Dojo 1.1 in the News

    Dylan Schiemann | April 4, 2008

    Since Dojo 1.1 was released a week ago, several outlets have published articles: Dojo 1.1 Refines Ajax Development – Features SitePen’s Peter Higgins and Alex Russell with their thoughts on Dojo 1.1, and a comprehensive summary of what’s new with the 1.

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  • Mobile Gears could help network latency

    Mobile Gears could help network latency

    Jason Cline | March 5, 2008

    Mobile application development has many challenges. The announcement of Google Gears on Mobile Devices will help solve the problems of network connectivity, network latency, and limited bandwidth. On the desktop, a lot of the focus on Gears was its ability to allow applications to function when your computer was not connected to the network.

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  • Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending April 1st, 2007

    Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending April 1st, 2007

    Brad Neuberg | April 2, 2007

    Last Week We finished a bunch of big tasks last week, mostly having to do with fit and finish and our installers: * The Moxie demo for Dojo Offline used to take too long to load — it was loading about 27 resources on page load — we optimized this to about 3 resources on

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  • Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 25th, 2007

    Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 25th, 2007

    Brad Neuberg | March 26, 2007

    Last Week We’re almost there! Here’s a laundry list of some of the code checkins from the last week: * We now provide a way to give a ‘magic’ domain name that will resolve to the localhost to help in testing in scenarios where the developer is running both the client and the server on

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  • Moxie Demo

    Moxie Demo

    Brad Neuberg | March 6, 2007

    Someone managed to upload a document that broke Moxie — I’ve removed this document from the Moxie database and cleaned up most of the test docs people added to Moxie, leaving just a few. Go ahead and give Moxie + Dojo Offline a try if you haven’t before.

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  • Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 5th, 2007

    Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 5th, 2007

    Brad Neuberg | March 5, 2007

    Sorry about getting this up a little late in the day; I’m actually in Redmond, Washington right now to attend a Microsoft research event at their R&D labs. I just got situated at my hotel and found a WiFi network to work from to start hacking on code and post this status report.

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