Category: HTML5

  • Next Generation Virtual Scrolling

    Next Generation Virtual Scrolling

    Dylan Schiemann | September 25, 2019

    Rendering large data sets in the browser while optimizing for performance and accessibility is a complex problem. The current approach to handling long lists of data is using an infinite scroll pattern to incrementally load and render data just before the data enters the view.

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  • Cats vs Dogs: Answering the Important Questions

    Cats vs Dogs: Answering the Important Questions

    Paul Shannon | December 19, 2018

    SitePen participates in a number of conferences around the world presenting new technology and ideas to engineers and designers. Recently Dylan Schiemann and Tom Dye spoke at the HalfStack Conference in London and Paul Shannon spoke at Phoenix TypeScript meetup.

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  • Programmatically create images with the CSS Paint API

    Programmatically create images with the CSS Paint API

    Umar Hansa | August 27, 2018

    The CSS Paint API is a modern web platform feature to programmatically create images in JavaScript which are rendered to the page when referenced by CSS. You create images using the Canvas API, an API with which you may already be familiar.

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  • Web Components in 2018

    Web Components in 2018

    James Milner | July 6, 2018

    For many front-end developers, components have become a central concept in their development workflow. Components provide a robust model for architecting and scaling complex applications, allowing for composition from smaller and simpler encapsulated parts.

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  • Exploring the Resize Observer Proposal

    Exploring the Resize Observer Proposal

    Dylan Schiemann | June 4, 2018

    Resize Observer allows developers to receive notifications when the size of an element’s content rectangle changes. This helps manage a variety of application layout scenarios including responsive application layout, flexible layouts such as split panes, or dynamic changes in content within an element in a page.

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  • Escape the Office: Designing Interfaces for Other Developers

    Escape the Office: Designing Interfaces for Other Developers

    Dylan Schiemann | May 4, 2018

    At the recent TSConf, SitePen engineer Sarah Higley delivered a talk titled Escape the Office: Designing Interfaces for Other Developers. The moment you step into any large project or open source venture you must accept that code you write gets used in ways you did not originally intend.

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  • Don’t forget your keys

    Don’t forget your keys

    Dylan Schiemann | April 16, 2018

    At the recent NEJSConf, SitePen engineer Sarah Higley delivered a talk titled Don’t forget your keys. People tend to assume everyone navigates the world in the same way they do: on two legs, responding to visual cues, hearing speech, reading emotion. For developers, this often means web accessibility comes as an afterthought, if at all.

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  • Five of our favorite emerging web standards

    Five of our favorite emerging web standards

    Sarah Higley | August 31, 2017

    As we create and improve open source software, and build many applications for our customers, we’re constantly looking for things that will improve the software we create. Part of this is looking at an often dizzying array of proposed and emerging standards, and finding those that feel efficient and ready for use.

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  • State of Modern Component Styling

    State of Modern Component Styling

    Tom Dye | August 17, 2017

    As new user interface component frameworks are created and old frameworks are replaced with emerging technologies, methods for styling those components must change with them. Long gone are the days of creating a simple HTML component and importing a simple CSS file with corresponding class names.

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  • Optimized Navigation: Isomorphic Resources

    Optimized Navigation: Isomorphic Resources

    Kris Zyp | February 27, 2015

    When building web applications, developers often face the dilemma of whether to use traditional server-side rendered pages, or client-centric applications that rely on Ajax/JSON data requests, with client-side rendering of data. These two approaches also tend to dictate navigation (among other things), leading to traditional page navigation or a single-page application (perhaps with hash-based navigation).

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  • Robust JavaScript Application Architecture

    Robust JavaScript Application Architecture

    Dylan Schiemann | January 8, 2015

    In October, 2014, I was coerced invited to deliver a talk at the first FullStack conference in London, a conference focused on Node.js, JavaScript and hackable electronics. The conference was an interesting cross-section of all things related to JavaScript.

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  • EdgeConf San Francisco 2014

    EdgeConf San Francisco 2014

    Dylan Schiemann | September 24, 2014

    At many conferences, the hallway track is more interesting than the track during presentations. It’s the serendipity of a small group of people interested in solving a similar problem that run into each other and just start talking through it that makes the hallway track the most interactive experience at most conferences.

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  • Creating Dojo Widgets with Inline Templates

    Creating Dojo Widgets with Inline Templates

    Nick Nisi | February 13, 2014

    Many Dojo widgets make use of client-side templating for generating the UI. Template HTML files are brought in to the page with dojo/text, parsed and converted to DOM nodes, and placed on the page, allowing our code to make substitutions, instantiate widgets within the template, and hook up events and attach points.

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  • AMD for the Business-Side

    AMD for the Business-Side

    Dylan Schiemann | July 10, 2012

    You may have seen our recent blog entitled “AMD: The Definitive Source” which exhaustively explained Asynchronous Module Definition. AMD is a topic with significant technical nuances but the purpose of THIS article is to explain the value of AMD for your business.

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  • Eleven Trends for 2012: The Year of Dojo

    Eleven Trends for 2012: The Year of Dojo

    Angela Segovia | January 30, 2012

    Most 2012 trend lists include 12 trends. (Get it?  12 in ’12.  Of course you do.).  Because we are not fond of adding unnecessary or filler content (read code), Dylan has come up with 11 trends for 2012. 1.  Mobile Mobile will gain even more momentum in 2012.

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  • Dojo Object Stores

    Dojo Object Stores

    Kris Zyp | February 15, 2011

    Dojo 1.6 introduces a new data store API called Dojo Object Store. This new store API is based on the HTML5 IndexedDB object store API and is designed to greatly simplify and ease the interaction and construction of Dojo stores.

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