Category: InnerSource

  • Polymer Summit 2017

    Polymer Summit 2017

    Anthony Gubler | September 13, 2017

    Recently I was fortunate to be able to attend the Google Polymer Summit in Copenhagen with a SitePen colleague. Having attended the PWA Summit last year in Amsterdam we were expecting a well organised and interesting conference, and we were not to be disappointed.

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  • The Law of Diminishing Returns

    The Law of Diminishing Returns

    Dylan Schiemann | May 5, 2017

    Last month we looked at various approaches to scaling enterprise development, and the challenges found within development organizations in our Time for InnerSource? post. This month we continue looking at the need for InnerSource by taking a closer look at the Law of Diminishing Returns.

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  • Time for InnerSource?

    Time for InnerSource?

    Dylan Schiemann | March 23, 2017

    InnerSource is a series of strategies and tactics from the open source world that help companies share source code across teams.

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