Category: Intern

  • Snapshot Testing: Benefits and Drawbacks

    Snapshot Testing: Benefits and Drawbacks

    Jason Cheatham | May 19, 2020

    Snapshot testing has become very popular for front end-development over the last few years. The term has almost become synonymous with Jest and React, but it can be used to test more than just components.

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  • What Makes Intern Different

    What Makes Intern Different

    Jason Cheatham | March 10, 2020

    Intern has always taken a different path in the pursuit of flexible automated web app testing. In the early days, Intern leveraged AMD modules when most other testing frameworks were not modular or only supported CommonJS modules, allowing Intern to support modular code in any environment.

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  • Testing TypeScript with Intern 4

    Testing TypeScript with Intern 4

    Jason Cheatham | February 12, 2018

    Intern is a popular JavaScript testing framework with an extensive feature set. While Intern has traditionally been focused on testing applications written in standard JavaScript, it has also had great support for TypeScript. With version 4, Intern has been completely rewritten in TypeScript, allowing it to provide a more seamless testing experience for TypeScript projects.

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  • What is Intern 4?

    What is Intern 4?

    Jason Cheatham | November 6, 2017

    Intern is complete JavaScript test stack, with support for the entire testing lifecycle. Intern 4 keeps many of the internals of Intern 3, but updates the external interface and usage model to better fit into modern workflows. Why Intern Intern’s goal is to simplify the process of writing complete, high quality application test suites.

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  • Efficient testing of Angular with Intern

    Efficient testing of Angular with Intern

    Dylan Schiemann | September 22, 2017

    Intern is an incredibly powerful and feature-rich approach to all types of JavaScript and TypeScript testing. Intern 4 is a major update refactored in TypeScript and with much improved support for modern language features and support for ESM as well as bundlers like webpack.

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  • Getting started with Intern 4

    Getting started with Intern 4

    Dylan Schiemann | August 30, 2017

    Unless you have a time machine or a TARDIS, it’s pretty rare to have solid documentation in place before an open source project is released! While we’re getting close to a beta release with the Intern 4 and while we still have a fair amount of documentation and refinements to complete, a number of people

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  • Web Frameworks: Testing

    Web Frameworks: Testing

    Kit Kelly | August 29, 2017

    Test early, test often, and test some more. Why put our heart and soul into our web applications only to be let down because we are not completely testing them. Let’s explore how the different web frameworks approach testing.

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  • Intern and JavaScript Testing in 2017

    Intern and JavaScript Testing in 2017

    Jason Cheatham | June 22, 2017

    Since we released Intern in 2013, the state of JavaScript testing has changed substantially. The JavaScript world was a very different place. Node.js was at version 0.8, and core modules like http were still being heavily developed! Popular tools like webpack, React, and TypeScript were still in the early stages of development.

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  • Moving 4-ward with Intern

    Moving 4-ward with Intern

    Jason Cheatham | February 10, 2017

    The motivation for Intern 4 is to make it easier to author tests with ES6+ features within tests, with or without transpilation. Want to skim? Here’s the Intern Roadmap which lists our high level status for each Intern release going forward.

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  • Intern Visual Regression Plugin

    Intern Visual Regression Plugin

    Paul Shannon | December 15, 2016

    Thanks to a generous Mozilla Open Source Support program award, Intern has expanded its testing ecosystem to include new and robust sets of tools. Engineers can now easily write tests to benchmark sections of code, test for accessibility (a11y) support, and test for visual differences.

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  • Accessibility Testing with Intern

    Accessibility Testing with Intern

    Jason Cheatham | December 13, 2016

    Intern already has a wide array of capabilities and today we’re pleased to announce one more: accessibility testing. Thanks to a generous award from Mozilla Open Source Support we’ve created the intern-a11y plugin, which allows users to run accessibility tests on pages or components using Intern.

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  • Intern 3.4 Released

    Intern 3.4 Released

    Jason Cheatham | December 8, 2016

    Today we’re pleased to announce the release of Intern 3.4. This release brings usability enhancements and bugfixes, including a new benchmarking mode! We’ve outlined some of the features below, but as always, visit the release notes for more details. A number of contributors made this release possible.

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  • Running Intern Tests in the Cloud

    Running Intern Tests in the Cloud

    Jason Cheatham | October 11, 2016

    With Intern you can easily run tests using your local machine’s web browser or on any other machine running a Selenium server. Sometimes a project will need to be tested across a wide range of platforms and browsers, more than an individual user or even an enterprise may have available.

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  • Inside Answers: Intern and async functional testing

    Inside Answers: Intern and async functional testing

    Paul Bouchon | September 20, 2016

    SitePen Support is a service used by companies to improve the productivity and efficiency of their enterprise development teams. Our customers often ask questions about best practices when using various development tools for modern JavaScript and TypeScript development. Recently, we were asked to better explain some of the asynchronous syntax used by Intern.

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  • Intern 3.3 released!

    Intern 3.3 released!

    Jason Cheatham | August 18, 2016

    Today, we’re very happy to announce the release of Intern 3.3! This is the result of several months of work to improve Intern and its Dig Dug and Leadfoot dependencies, as well as the introduction of a new intern-cli package to make command-line testing configuration even easier.

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  • Introducing intern-cli

    Introducing intern-cli

    Jason Cheatham | August 3, 2016

    Intern makes writing high-quality tests easier and now running the tests is even easier using intern-cli. This package provides an intern command that has a POSIX-like interface, using familiar flags and options like –help. It follows some conventions that make running Intern simpler, and provides plenty of inline help. It even makes getting started with Intern easier with a new init command.

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  • A quick look at Intern’s findByXpath

    A quick look at Intern’s findByXpath

    SitePen Support | June 14, 2016

    Intern‘s Leadfoot API makes it easier to author functional tests in JavaScript. One of the fundamental concepts for authoring functional tests is to access an element within a page to test it.

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  • Migrating from DOH to Intern

    Migrating from DOH to Intern

    Dylan Schiemann | June 6, 2016

    Until a few years ago, our testing efforts with Dojo were focused on the Dojo Object Harness (DOH), a very early unit and functional testing suite.

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  • Intern wins Mozilla award!

    Intern wins Mozilla award!

    Dylan Schiemann | April 26, 2016

    Last fall, Mozilla announced its Mozilla Open Source Support program, specifically focused on supporting the Free & Open Source Software movement.

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  • Simplifying Intern tests with Command helpers

    Simplifying Intern tests with Command helpers

    Jason Cheatham | April 19, 2016

    Intern, via the Leadfoot WebDriver library, provides a lot of low-level control over the browsers it uses to run tests. Tests can navigate to new pages, resize the browser window, examine elements on a page, and interact with controls like inputs and buttons. Unfortunately, with all this power can come great complexity.

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  • 2016 Esri DevSummit Recap

    2016 Esri DevSummit Recap

    Dylan Schiemann | March 31, 2016

    Esri, the creators of great mapping technology, hosts their DevSummit every March in Palm Springs, CA. Esri creates their popular ArcGIS for JavaScript API by leveraging the Dojo Toolkit. Esri trends Each year Esri announces a number of new features and technologies at the DevSummit, and this year was no exception.

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  • Intern test suite and CI updates

    Intern test suite and CI updates

    Dylan Schiemann | March 28, 2016

    We’ve recently made a number of updates to Intern, providing additional flexibility and integration for writing and running tests. Seth Holladay and sitecues by Ai Squared generously sponsored some of these efforts! Continuous integration Intern has long supported continuous integration, officially supporting travis-ci, Jenkins, and TeamCity.

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  • Simplified Dijit Functional Testing

    Simplified Dijit Functional Testing

    Dylan Schiemann | January 13, 2016

    One of the nice features of testing with Intern and Leadfoot is the ease of authoring functional tests to mimic end-user behavior. The API for retrieving relevant DOM nodes is relatively straightforward, usually with a single line of code needed to get a reference to the relevant node.

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  • Code Coverage for TypeScript and Other Transpiled Languages

    Code Coverage for TypeScript and Other Transpiled Languages

    Kit Kelly | September 29, 2015

    Transpiling or compiling code has become a necessity today for JavaScript-based web development. Whether you are using TypeScript, Babel, Dart, Traceur, or CoffeeScript to provide additional language features, or trying to optimise your code with the likes of UglifyJS, r.

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  • Intern and testing Grunt tasks

    Intern and testing Grunt tasks

    Kit Kelly | September 3, 2015

    You can use Intern to test just about everything!  How about testing your Grunt tasks?  Even though Intern focuses on tests authored as AMD modules, it certainly can be used to test CommonJS modules, like those used with Grunt.

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  • Working with Intern Recorder

    Working with Intern Recorder

    Dylan Schiemann | August 7, 2015

    So you’ve had a chance to try out Intern Recorder, our new Chrome DevTools extension for recording functional tests, and now you want to efficiently work these tests into your workflow? This post will guide you through these steps and provide helpful advice for improving the tests you record.

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  • Introducing Intern Recorder

    Introducing Intern Recorder

    Colin Snover | August 6, 2015

    Intern Recorder is a new Chrome Developer Tools extension that makes creating functional tests for Intern faster and easier. The Recorder automates test creation by recording your interactions with a page in Chrome and converting those interactions into a test file that can be downloaded and added to your Intern test suite.

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  • Intern 3 is here!

    Intern 3 is here!

    Colin Snover | July 30, 2015

    Today, we’re very happy to announce the release of Intern 3! This newest version of Intern is a culmination of several months of effort to overhaul the primary portions of the test system in order to provide a more stable and robust platform for building future features and enhancements.

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  • Testing TypeScript with Intern

    Testing TypeScript with Intern

    Dylan Schiemann | March 24, 2015

    This post has been updated to cover Intern 3.4 and TypeScript 2.3. Read our Intern 4 and TypeScript testing article for more recent information. Intern is a popular JavaScript testing framework, because of its extensive, modular feature set.

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  • From DOH to Intern: Updating Dojo core’s tests

    From DOH to Intern: Updating Dojo core’s tests

    Dylan Schiemann | February 18, 2015

    One of the primary motivations for creating Intern was to make support for continuous integration testing much easier to achieve with JavaScript-based application development. We recently converted the vast majority of the unit tests in Dojo core from DOH to Intern, in order to streamline the process of regression testing patches for Dojo 1.x.

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  • The road to Intern 3

    The road to Intern 3

    Colin Snover | January 22, 2015

    We normally try to schedule new minor releases of Intern about once every four to six weeks, but when we are working on a major release, there will often be a larger than usual gap in the release cycle.

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  • Robust JavaScript Application Architecture

    Robust JavaScript Application Architecture

    Dylan Schiemann | January 8, 2015

    In October, 2014, I was coerced invited to deliver a talk at the first FullStack conference in London, a conference focused on Node.js, JavaScript and hackable electronics. The conference was an interesting cross-section of all things related to JavaScript.

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  • Intern 2.2 released

    Intern 2.2 released

    Jason Cheatham | December 5, 2014

    Today we’re pleased to announce the release of Intern 2.2. Along with improvements to existing functionality and a few bug fixes, this release includes a new console-mode reporter that provides a more detailed view of the testing process and improved rendering of differences between objects.

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  • Mocking data with Intern

    Mocking data with Intern

    Colin Snover | July 14, 2014

    When writing tests for an application, it’s prudent to add mock or stub data in order to allow code to be properly tested in isolation from other parts of the system. Within a normal Dojo application, there are typically three places where mocking will occur: I/O requests, stores, and module dependencies.

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  • Testable code best practices

    Testable code best practices

    Colin Snover | July 11, 2014

    Many of the best practices for writing testable code also conform to general code best practices. Code that is easily testable often also tends to be highly maintainable and resilient against changing business requirements. This blog post provides a brief overview of key criteria for writing highly testable code.

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  • How can I debug Intern tests?

    How can I debug Intern tests?

    Mangala SSS Khalsa | May 23, 2014

    Intern is a great test stack for writing full-featured unit and functional tests, with remote WebDriver-based testing (e.g. BrowserStack) and continuous integration (e.g. Travis CI). Debugging failing tests can be a challenge if you don’t know the most efficient techniques for troubleshooting platform-specific issues or problems with your test cases.

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  • Intro to Intern webcast

    Intro to Intern webcast

    Dylan Schiemann | April 24, 2014

    Last month, we conducted a live webcast to provide an Introduction to Intern, SitePen’s open source testing framework.

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