Category: Node.js

  • Getting Started with Electron, Typescript, React and Webpack

    Getting Started with Electron, Typescript, React and Webpack

    Justin Ellison | September 17, 2019

    If you need to build a desktop application today, Electron is an increasingly common choice. It is cross-platform and is built using the same web technologies that you probably already know. We’re long-time users of Electron at SitePen, and have previously talked about Setting up Electron with Dojo.

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  • Deploying a Dojo App with Docker

    Deploying a Dojo App with Docker

    Rory Mulligan | July 16, 2019

    So you’ve built an amazing app using Dojo and now you are ready to go live. After a bit of research, you learn that traditional deployments are challenging! Luckily, the days of FTPing files are long gone, and we can rely on Docker for fast, reliable deployments.

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  • Cats vs Dogs: Answering the Important Questions

    Cats vs Dogs: Answering the Important Questions

    Paul Shannon | December 19, 2018

    SitePen participates in a number of conferences around the world presenting new technology and ideas to engineers and designers. Recently Dylan Schiemann and Tom Dye spoke at the HalfStack Conference in London and Paul Shannon spoke at Phoenix TypeScript meetup.

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  • A Quick Look at Nest

    A Quick Look at Nest

    Paul Shannon | May 9, 2018

    Nest is a scalable framework for building server-side applications. It is authored in TypeScript and relies on the Express framework. It leans heavily on modern language features such as async/await and decorators to reduce cruft and place the focus cleanly on route-handling business logic.

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  • State of Modules in JavaScript

    State of Modules in JavaScript

    Umar Hansa | October 26, 2017

    Many modern web applications depend on JavaScript. When the complexity of your JavaScript increases, so does the maintenance cost. To improve the maintenance of complex JavaScript codebases, you most likely adhere to some clean code practices in your codebase.

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  • Browser Automation with Puppeteer

    Browser Automation with Puppeteer

    Umar Hansa | October 4, 2017

    Automating browsers provide many benefits including faster execution of repetitive tasks, ability to parallelise workloads and improved test coverage for your website. Google recently announced Puppeteer, a new tool to assist with Chrome browser automation.

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  • Nodevember — A Community JS Conference

    Nodevember — A Community JS Conference

    Jacob Roufa | November 23, 2015

    I recently attended Nodevember, a two-day JavaScript conference down in Nashville, TN. My love for JavaScript motivated me to take my attendance a step further and volunteer.

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  • Stronger JavaScript?

    Stronger JavaScript?

    Kit Kelly | October 8, 2015

    The V8 team (the JavaScript engine that powers Chrome, Opera, Node.js, MongoDB, etc…) are moving forward with an experiment in defining a stronger version of JavaScript that ensures that code being run is behaving well, and introducing run-time typing based on TypeScript’s typings.

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  • Dojo + Koa

    Dojo + Koa

    Paul Bouchon | June 19, 2015

    Dojo and its AMD loader provide outstanding tools for structuring a Web application on the client-side. However, the notion of “writing a JavaScript application” has widened in definition over the past few years with the increased popularity of Node.js. Though Dojo can be used in a Node.

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  • Multi-Platform Distribution with TypeScript

    Multi-Platform Distribution with TypeScript

    Ken Franqueiro | June 1, 2015

    Over the past several years, JavaScript has grown to be relevant not only for rich browser applications, but also for server and console applications. Many types of JavaScript libraries can be useful on both ends of this spectrum.

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  • EdgeConf San Francisco 2014

    EdgeConf San Francisco 2014

    Dylan Schiemann | September 24, 2014

    At many conferences, the hallway track is more interesting than the track during presentations. It’s the serendipity of a small group of people interested in solving a similar problem that run into each other and just start talking through it that makes the hallway track the most interactive experience at most conferences.

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  • Introducing dojo/request

    Introducing dojo/request

    Bryan Forbes | August 21, 2012

    As Dojo moves toward its 2.0 release, our focus has been on giving developers tools that will help them be productive in any JavaScript environment. This means creating consistent APIs across all environments. One area that has been sorely lacking, in this regard, is Dojo’s IO functions.

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