Category: offline

  • Local Database Stores

    Local Database Stores

    Kris Zyp | June 17, 2014

    Modern browsers have powerful new database capabilities that enable applications to store data locally, and perform advanced indexed queries without a network connection. Applications can be built with offline support without any disruption to data interaction, including searching.

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  • Gears is Dead?  Long live Gears!

    Gears is Dead? Long live Gears!

    Dylan Schiemann | December 8, 2009

    It was recently reported that Google Dumps Gears for HTML5. If true, with the investment Google has made in HTML5, Chrome, Chrome OS, and Chrome Frame, this is not surprising, but it does leave a potential short-term gap for offline application development.

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  • Queued: Architectural Decisions

    Queued: Architectural Decisions

    Revin Guillen | March 30, 2009

    Dojo is a very flexible toolkit; it doesn’t dictate how you organize your code or create your widgets. It simply provides tools, and it’s up to you to decide how you want to fit them together.

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  • Queued Overviewed

    Queued Overviewed

    Dylan Schiemann | March 24, 2009

    Last month, we announced Queued, an open-source application for managing your Netflix Queue. Queued is a desktop application created with web technologies and techniques including the Dojo Toolkit, and it is distributed as an Adobe AIR application to provide several performance boosting benefits from living on the desktop.

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  • Mobile Gears could help network latency

    Mobile Gears could help network latency

    Jason Cline | March 5, 2008

    Mobile application development has many challenges. The announcement of Google Gears on Mobile Devices will help solve the problems of network connectivity, network latency, and limited bandwidth. On the desktop, a lot of the focus on Gears was its ability to allow applications to function when your computer was not connected to the network.

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  • An Android without Gears?

    An Android without Gears?

    Jason Cline | November 12, 2007

    Google released the first preview of Android today. It is chock full of features and a great emulator, but there was one interesting omission.

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  • New Dojo Offline Release

    New Dojo Offline Release

    Brad Neuberg | July 6, 2007

    SitePen and Dojo are proud to announce a new beta release of Dojo Offline. This release has a huge amount of exciting new functionality, including a full port to Google Gears, a port from Dojo 0.4 to 0.9, and more.

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  • Thinking outside the (browser) box

    Thinking outside the (browser) box

    Dylan Schiemann | July 4, 2007

    Apple’s iPhone web application development tips are yet the latest example of blurring the lines between the power of the web and the desktop. The example that drives this point home the most is Google Maps: Google maps links open a built-in Google client rather than making a connection through the public website.

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  • Google Gears, Dojo Offline, and SitePen

    Google Gears, Dojo Offline, and SitePen

    Dylan Schiemann | May 30, 2007

    Shortly after we began working on Dojo Offline, our friends at Google invited us over to the Googleplex to tell us about their efforts in building an open source project similar to Dojo Offline called Google Gears.

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  • Dojo Offline, Behind the Scenes

    Dojo Offline, Behind the Scenes

    Dylan Schiemann | April 23, 2007

    At the beginning of 2007, we announced a collaboration with Brad Neuberg to develop the Dojo Offline Toolkit, and today we are pleased to announce the beta release! Several people have asked how and why we decided to do this, and how this relationship came about.

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  • Thoughts on XML, Ajax, and UI Development

    Thoughts on XML, Ajax, and UI Development

    Dylan Schiemann | April 9, 2007

    InfoQ had an interesting article recently asking Is XML the Future of UI Development?. I believe that the author of the article is significantly underestimating the resourcefulness of JavaScript developers: The first up is AJAX, the poster child of the Web 2.0 craze.

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  • Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending April 1st, 2007

    Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending April 1st, 2007

    Brad Neuberg | April 2, 2007

    Last Week We finished a bunch of big tasks last week, mostly having to do with fit and finish and our installers: * The Moxie demo for Dojo Offline used to take too long to load — it was loading about 27 resources on page load — we optimized this to about 3 resources on

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  • Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 25th, 2007

    Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 25th, 2007

    Brad Neuberg | March 26, 2007

    Last Week We’re almost there! Here’s a laundry list of some of the code checkins from the last week: * We now provide a way to give a ‘magic’ domain name that will resolve to the localhost to help in testing in scenarios where the developer is running both the client and the server on

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  • Moxie Demo

    Moxie Demo

    Brad Neuberg | March 6, 2007

    Someone managed to upload a document that broke Moxie — I’ve removed this document from the Moxie database and cleaned up most of the test docs people added to Moxie, leaving just a few. Go ahead and give Moxie + Dojo Offline a try if you haven’t before.

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  • Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 5th, 2007

    Dojo Offline Toolkit Status Report for Week Ending March 5th, 2007

    Brad Neuberg | March 5, 2007

    Sorry about getting this up a little late in the day; I’m actually in Redmond, Washington right now to attend a Microsoft research event at their R&D labs. I just got situated at my hotel and found a WiFi network to work from to start hacking on code and post this status report.

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  • Screencast of Dojo Offline + Demo + Release Download

    Screencast of Dojo Offline + Demo + Release Download

    Brad Neuberg | February 26, 2007

    [Note: This blog post is out of date. For up to date information on Dojo Offline please see the official web page.] Hi folks; lots of news on the Dojo Offline front.First, we have put up a screencast that shows a demo of Dojo Offline named Moxie.

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  • Code Finished for Dojo Offline’s Default User Interface

    Code Finished for Dojo Offline’s Default User Interface

    Brad Neuberg | January 31, 2007

    [Note: This blog post is out of date. For up to date information on Dojo Offline please see the official web page.] We have posted up the default user-interface widget for Dojo Offline; this is all coded up now in JavaScript and is complete. This means all the default user-interface code, which lives in

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  • Offline Gmail and Blogger Using the Dojo Offline Toolkit

    Offline Gmail and Blogger Using the Dojo Offline Toolkit

    Brad Neuberg | January 9, 2007

    [Note: This blog post is out of date. For up to date information on Dojo Offline please see the official web page.] Introduction The best way to start development on a programming framework is to ground it in the kinds of user interfaces it will be used in.

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