Category: Support

  • Solving complex dgrid edge cases

    Solving complex dgrid edge cases

    Ed Hager | October 4, 2016

    We were recently asked by the team at eQuorum to investigate an issue with dgrid performance when leveraging the dgrid/Tree mixin. The issue was challenging to solve, so we thought it would be useful to share our story in debugging and solving it.

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  • SitePen JavaScript Support in Action

    SitePen JavaScript Support in Action

    Dylan Schiemann | September 30, 2015

    SitePen’s team of JavaScript experts provide high quality development and production support to a wide range of companies, from the Fortune 500 to small startups. Recently, we had the opportunity to assist BuyWinR, a company based in Brisbane, Australia. In this case, we went from initial inquiry to solution in less than 48 hours.

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  • Working with Dojo and AMD in Production

    Working with Dojo and AMD in Production

    Dylan Schiemann | August 27, 2012

    In our recent post on dgrid and Dojo Nano, we showed a technique of using nested require statements in order to make use of optimized layers using the Dojo build system. As a refresher, a layer is Dojo’s terminology for a file that combines many JavaScript resources into a single file.

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  • Eleven Trends for 2012: The Year of Dojo

    Eleven Trends for 2012: The Year of Dojo

    Angela Segovia | January 30, 2012

    Most 2012 trend lists include 12 trends. (Get it?  12 in ’12.  Of course you do.).  Because we are not fond of adding unnecessary or filler content (read code), Dylan has come up with 11 trends for 2012. 1.  Mobile Mobile will gain even more momentum in 2012.

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  • The Year of Dojo is Here!

    The Year of Dojo is Here!

    Angela Segovia | January 17, 2012

    Welcome to 2012 – The Year of Dojo!  We are expecting an amazing year! Make SitePen your one stop shop for all of your web application needs; Dojo workshops, JavaScript support and web app development.  Together, with SitePen, you will meet your 2012 goals!  When you’re happy, so are we.

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  • SitePen at BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011

    SitePen at BlackBerry DevCon Americas 2011

    Angela Segovia | October 19, 2011

    Featured as one of three sessions to see on Monday’s web track at the BlackBerry DevCon Americas conference in San Francisco this week, SitePen’s CEO Dylan Schiemann presented Make Beautiful Apps Faster Using the Dojo Mobile Toolkit.

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  • SitePen. Dojo Skills. Seattle.

    SitePen. Dojo Skills. Seattle.

    Angela Segovia | October 17, 2011

    Do you want to learn in depth details to create web applications with Dojo and Dijit? Join us in Seattle on November 16th for our 2-day Dojo Skills workshop. Dojo Skills emphasizes some of the unique advantages Dojo offers in cross-browser charts and user interface widgets through a powerful development model.

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  • FREE SitePen Support- October 2011

    FREE SitePen Support- October 2011

    Angela Segovia | October 3, 2011

    Yep. You read that right.  We said free.  Not free as in you get a free keychain with purchase. Actually free- no purchase required.  All you have to do is submit your question as a comment to our Facebook Note on this same topic.

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  • Contributing Back to the Dojo Toolkit

    Contributing Back to the Dojo Toolkit

    Dylan Schiemann | August 17, 2011

    As a part of our Free Dojo Support initiative, we received the following question from Rob about contributing back to the Dojo Toolkit: The Question I have some questions around contributing back to the Dojo Toolkit project.

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  • Everyone can “Ask the Experts”

    Everyone can “Ask the Experts”

    Kevin Dangoor | May 11, 2008

    In March, we introduced the SitePen Support service to provide high-quality support for Dojo, DWR and Cometd from the people who know those projects inside and out.

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  • The Best Things in Life are Free

    The Best Things in Life are Free

    Dylan Schiemann | April 24, 2008

    At SitePen, we’re dedicated to creating excellent user experiences and writing clean, beautiful code. Because of this, we’ve earned a reputation as being advocates, advisers and teachers to our friends, colleagues, and clients.

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  • Now Available: Commercial Support for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd

    Now Available: Commercial Support for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd

    Dylan Schiemann | March 14, 2008

    We’re very excited about our new commercial support offering for the Dojo Toolkit, DWR, and Cometd. So what is SitePen Support and what do we have to offer? Advice When getting started with something different or new, there’s rarely documentation or a tutorial that addresses things in quite the right way.

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