Category: Web Development

  • How to Choose A Web Development Partner

    How to Choose A Web Development Partner

    Michael Van Sickle | May 19, 2021

    The following is a transcription of the video shown above: Thanks for joining us for our presentation on How to Choose a Web Development Partner, and Other Cautionary Tales. I’m Mike and I’m part of the engineering team at SitePen.

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  • Considerations When Modernizing Legacy Applications

    Considerations When Modernizing Legacy Applications

    Stuart Bingë | April 28, 2021

    Why modernize? Software development and usage of software-driven products are rapidly evolving subject areas. Healthy competition means crafting applications becomes quicker and cheaper over time. The customers of such systems expect ever-more-sophisticated capabilities and user experiences out of a growing pool of competitors.

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  • Floating on Tailwind CSS

    Floating on Tailwind CSS

    Paul Bouchon | April 15, 2021

    As modern reactive front ends have begun to converge on effective module patterns and universal approaches to common application paradigms, it’s not uncommon to see much of the variance between front ends come from how they expose and implement their given style guide.

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  • How to Choose a Software Development Company

    How to Choose a Software Development Company

    Michael Van Sickle | March 25, 2021

    There are many articles and blog posts on the internet that attempt to advise readers on how to choose a software development company. Almost all of them discuss the traits and attributes that make one vendor superior to another.

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  • Architecture Spotlight: Event Sourcing – Part Two

    Architecture Spotlight: Event Sourcing – Part Two

    Stuart Bingë | August 6, 2020

    Where We Left Off Previously In the previous architecture spotlight entry, we discussed Event Sourcing and illustrated the concept with a simple banking account example. We laid out many of its pros and cons to help readers decide if the pattern would be useful to them.

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  • Writing Tests that Work

    Writing Tests that Work

    Anthony Ciccarello | June 30, 2020

    Your team realizes that testing is valuable. Your team creates tests for already completed features. The result was encouraging and your team even found a few bugs hiding in the application. Your team returns to feature development and attempts to add new tests.

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  • Why Automated Testing Matters

    Why Automated Testing Matters

    Anthony Ciccarello | June 30, 2020

    Your software development team released an MVP application into production. The application only had a few features and the codebase is far from perfect, but there are big plans for the future! Your team presses on, adding features and your user base continues to grow. After a few months, cracks begin to surface.

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  • The Importance of Good Software Architecture

    The Importance of Good Software Architecture

    Stuart Bingë | June 10, 2020

    What is Software Architecture? Software architecture is the analysis, thought and design considerations that form the foundational scaffolding for a successful software system. If you write software for work or as a hobby, whether you know it or not, you’re already dealing with software architecture and the processes of making architectural decisions within your applications.

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  • Performance Testing with k6

    Performance Testing with k6

    Stuart Bingë | May 13, 2020

    There’s an old adage in the software industry – premature optimization is the root of all evil. A corollary to this should be – no optimization is just as bad as premature optimization.

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  • Progressively Adopting TypeScript in an Application

    Progressively Adopting TypeScript in an Application

    Paul Shannon | April 30, 2020

    SitePen is a huge advocate for TypeScript and the benefits of having well typed code. TypeScript is especially powerful when used by medium and large teams that want to find ways to increase their overall confidence in their code.

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  • Architecture Spotlight: Event Sourcing

    Architecture Spotlight: Event Sourcing

    Stuart Bingë | April 2, 2020

    Event sourcing is a powerful architectural pattern that records all changes made to an application’s state, in the sequence in which the changes were originally applied.

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