Mad Dojo Skillz
Denver, CO – Aug 1-2, 2011
Mad Dojo Skillz is our black diamond workshop taking the expert scripter through the expert techniques needed when tackling the unique problems web applications can throw and how to utilize Dojo to make applications usable, reliable and scalable. Two full days of intense instruction that emphasizes customization, scratch building, troubleshooting and optimization with Dojo-based rich Internet applications.
In this workshop you will learn:
- Advanced JavaScript and functional programming constructs
- Extending Dijit and creating custom widgets from scratch
- Application UI best practices
- Ajax transport and data format alternatives
- How to create a custom object store with Dojo and how to optimize Dojo for very large data sets
- Comet and Dojo
- Testing with Dojo
- Optimizing performance
This workshop is NOT for the faint of heart!
- A solid understanding of HTML, including the basics of the DOM
- An understanding of CSS, including simple CSS selectors
- A solid understanding of JavaScript, including an understanding of object-oriented programming principles
- Experience using Dojo to build simple applications
- Experience with the “Application Development with Dojo” class is a plus
The following JavaScript concepts are a plus:
- A cursory understanding of how scope works in JavaScript
- What it means to create a closure
- What it means to be a first-class function