The first thing you need to know about Audrey is that she’s the new girl and she’s turning out to be just as cool as another infamous New Girl we know! I say this because during her first week at SitePen, she fearlessly entered the Apple Bobbing contest and stuck her head in a bucket of water — in front of a bunch of people she barely knew — on video! I was impressed. Would you do it?

Say Hello to Audrey, the newest addition to SitePen’s UI Design team!

new-gurl has entered #interview_room

Hey Audrey! I was just reliving this with our readers:

Good times. And not only did Audrey participate in the contest, she also threw together the compilation video which is probably why her bobbing attempt is conveniently omitted. Never fear, the raw footage is intact.

So, Audrey, where are you calling home these days?

I live in Lake Wylie, SC.

For those of you that have never heard of this tiny gem in South Carolina, it’s about 40 minutes away from Charlotte, NORTH Carolina. Now you know.

What do you like to do in the Carolinas when you’re not training to be the ultimate SitePen team member?

Well, I love outdoor adventures like white water rafting, rock climbing and hiking! Prank wars, dance-offs and game nights are all common occurrences at my house. And when I’m not training to be the next best thing at SitePen, you can find me volunteering with human rights organizations.

I love hearing about how people are volunteering and contributing to their communities and the world, care to share a bit more on that?

Sure! I’ve worked with International Justice Mission and I’m just getting started with On Eagles Wings which seeks to provide assistance and support to young girls who are victims of human trafficking. I’ll be a mentor and possibly teach writing to the girls in the safe home that is located in my area.

That’s so inspirational and uplifting. My follow up question on zombie apocalypses seems so shallow now. My next question delves into why you like working remotely. So….why?

Definitely the ability to work from different locations. I can enjoy coffee shops, work from home when I feel like staying in, or go visit a friend across the country and bum off their wifi.

Name something on your bucket list!

Ah, so many things! I hope to go to Brazil someday and experience their lively culture.

Brazil, Carnival, fun! Next question, if we asked your highschool friends where they thought you’d be in 15 years, what would they say?

They probably would have said working as a food critic. This may have something to do with my love (okay, obsession) with food.

Really? What’s your favorite food/type of food?

Hot wings and I really love Thai and Indian food. I guess I should probably clarify that when I say “obsessed with food”, it’s more about the fact that I’m always hungry and wondering when I’m going to eat again. Any plans have to incorporate schedules and information for when and where I’m going to eat. Maybe my obsession is with the feeding, not necessarily with the food itself.

Ah. Thanks for the clarification. Besides your propensity for hangriness, what is the one thing you’d like to share with the complete stranger reading this right now?

You’re awesome! Now go show off your pretty smile 🙂

So upbeat! What’s another fun fact about You?

I went skydiving for my twenty-first birthday and it rocked.

Nice. You and Ed should discuss that hair-raising-slash-eternal-falling-slash-monster-butterflies-slash-i’m-gonna-die feeling over a cup of coffee someday. He’d like that.

Ok! I think this interview’s a wrap! Thank you for your time and I will now let you return to your regularly scheduled orientating! Once again, welcome to SitePen!


new-gurl has left #interview_room

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