• How to Choose A Web Development Partner

    How to Choose A Web Development Partner

    Michael Van Sickle | May 19, 2021

    The following is a transcription of the video shown above: Thanks for joining us for our presentation on How to Choose a Web Development Partner, and Other Cautionary Tales. I’m Mike and I’m part of the engineering team at SitePen.

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  • Vetting a UI Component Library

    Vetting a UI Component Library

    Matthew Wistrand | May 10, 2021

    When developing web applications, choosing a UI component library is one of the earliest decisions your team has to make. Beyond reducing the amount of functionality your team has to maintain, UI component libraries shield developers from the complexities involved in designing user interactions that are accessible and behave correctly across browsers and devices.

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  • Considerations When Modernizing Legacy Applications

    Considerations When Modernizing Legacy Applications

    Stuart Bingë | April 28, 2021

    Why modernize? Software development and usage of software-driven products are rapidly evolving subject areas. Healthy competition means crafting applications becomes quicker and cheaper over time. The customers of such systems expect ever-more-sophisticated capabilities and user experiences out of a growing pool of competitors.

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  • Life Without Callbacks

    Life Without Callbacks

    Rory Mulligan | April 22, 2021

    Let’s face it. Reactive programming and the traditional web APIs are not friends. Event handlers, observers, dimensions, all of these things are meant to be used imperatively using callbacks. This doesn’t play so well with reactive programming and can leave our components littered with callbacks and extra state.

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  • 5 Tips for “Spring Cleaning” Your Agile Practices

    5 Tips for “Spring Cleaning” Your Agile Practices

    Alyssa Jones | April 20, 2021

    Maybe it’s the spring air and the budding trees. Maybe it’s the longer daylight hours. Maybe you watched too many home organization TV shows when it was too cold to go outside. Whatever the reason, there is something about this time of year that makes us want a fresh start by spring cleaning.

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  • Floating on Tailwind CSS

    Floating on Tailwind CSS

    Paul Bouchon | April 15, 2021

    As modern reactive front ends have begun to converge on effective module patterns and universal approaches to common application paradigms, it’s not uncommon to see much of the variance between front ends come from how they expose and implement their given style guide.

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  • Add CarPlay to your React Native App

    Add CarPlay to your React Native App

    Tom Dye | April 8, 2021

    What is CarPlay? CarPlay is an Apple car integration standard that allows you to display content from your iPhone onto your compatible car head unit and control your phone. Common uses for this include casting music from services such as Spotify or Apple Music or for trip navigation using a map application.

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  • React Native: Crash Course for the Business-Side

    React Native: Crash Course for the Business-Side

    Jason Cheatham | March 31, 2021

    Mobile development mostly deals with 2 platforms: iOS and Android. There are distinct ecosystems for both platforms — each has its own languages (Java and Kotlin for Android, Objective-C, and Swift for iOS), its own standard environment (Android Studio for Android, Xcode for iOS), its own app architectures, app stores, libraries, etc.

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  • How to Choose a Software Development Company

    How to Choose a Software Development Company

    Michael Van Sickle | March 25, 2021

    There are many articles and blog posts on the internet that attempt to advise readers on how to choose a software development company. Almost all of them discuss the traits and attributes that make one vendor superior to another.

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  • Get Lean with Your MVP by Hacking Human Psychology

    Get Lean with Your MVP by Hacking Human Psychology

    Cherie Brown | March 22, 2021

    Most agile product teams have heard the concepts around using an MVP to learn about what customers want, Lean Startup style, but the process of defining an MVP to fulfill those goals often proves to be easier said than done.

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  • Software takes more than “the right technology”

    Software takes more than “the right technology”

    Anthony Ciccarello | February 26, 2021

    Carpenters have lots of tools to pick from. Drills, impact drivers, circular saws, and miter saws; each tool may be really good for a specific purpose and a great carpenter will know when to use each one.

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  • Introduction to Machine Learning with JavaScript

    Introduction to Machine Learning with JavaScript

    Bradley Maier | October 19, 2020

    What is Machine Learning? Machine learning is a subset of AI that is concerned with algorithms that can improve through experience. Experience in this case generally translates to being fed lots of data. What’s more interesting than what machine learning is though, is what it can do.

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  • What’s new in TypeScript 4.0?

    What’s new in TypeScript 4.0?

    Sam Menza | September 29, 2020

    The recent release of TypeScript 4.0 offers a smorgasbord of improvements including improvements to coding editor experience, build scenarios and support for variadic tuple types. Let’s take a closer look at some of these improvements a developer can make use of in this latest release. Support for Variadic Tuple Types TypeScript 4.

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  • The Definitive TypeScript 4.0 Guide

    The Definitive TypeScript 4.0 Guide

    Jason Cheatham | September 18, 2020

    Originally published October 2018. Updated September 2020. This article describes the features and functionality of TypeScript 4.0.  One of the most interesting languages for large-scale application development is Microsoft’s TypeScript. TypeScript is unique in that it is a superset of JavaScript, but with optional types, interfaces, generics, and more.

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  • TypeScript 4.0 Cheat Sheet

    TypeScript 4.0 Cheat Sheet

    Jason Cheatham | September 18, 2020

    This cheat sheet is an adjunct to our Definitive TypeScript Guide. Originally published November 2018. Updated September 2020 for TypeScript 4.0.

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  • Advanced TypeScript 4.0 Concepts: Classes and Types

    Advanced TypeScript 4.0 Concepts: Classes and Types

    Nick Nisi | September 18, 2020

    Originally published November 2018. Updated September 2020. This article describes the features and functionality of TypeScript 4.0. While TypeScript is very simple to understand when performing basic tasks, having a deeper understanding of how its type system works is critical to unlocking advanced language functionality.

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  • Architecture Spotlight: Event Sourcing – Part Two

    Architecture Spotlight: Event Sourcing – Part Two

    Stuart Bingë | August 6, 2020

    Where We Left Off Previously In the previous architecture spotlight entry, we discussed Event Sourcing and illustrated the concept with a simple banking account example. We laid out many of its pros and cons to help readers decide if the pattern would be useful to them.

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  • What is a 2nd Generation Framework?

    What is a 2nd Generation Framework?

    Carrie Rice | August 3, 2020

    An article on 2nd Generation JavaScript Frameworks & Libraries: beyond Angular, React, and Vue! recaps Geertjan Wielenga’s talk on the evolution of JavaScript and the influence of the enterprise in recent years. Background Wielenga spoke of the pioneers of JavaScript frameworks and libraries including Dojo (1.

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  • Increasing Value in Your Software Development Lifecycle

    Increasing Value in Your Software Development Lifecycle

    Stuart Bingë | July 23, 2020

    Today, many software projects rely on some form of iterative software development lifecycle (SDLC) to incrementally deliver features to their users. A feature is identified, analyzed, designed, scoped, implemented, tested, and ultimately shipped to users – and this cycle is repeated for all features throughout a project’s lifetime.

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